Week Fifteen- Initiative

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My ‘Makeover’ Word of the week.


“1.ability to act on your own: the ability to act and make decisions without the help or advice of other people.”

“2. an introductory act or step”

I was a little slow with catching up on the week. As part of week fifteen we were to take a list of eleven virtues and number them according to our personal needs of improvement. For me, initiative jumped out at me. I look at this in the same respect as I did when choosing my PPN’s so many weeks ago….. with the accomplishment of the first all others will follow.  And thus I seek my world as the fervent observer for this virtue in others. For I have faith that I have this virtue within me and the more I become aware of it, the stronger this virtue can grow within myself.

*I see initiative in my favorite barista at Starbucks. She greets me by name. She took the initiative to take an interest in her customers. Not because she was told to, for many others do not, but because her personal greeting makes her customers happy and feel appreciated.

*I see it in my daughter who came home from school today excited because she took the initiative to put her name on the list for the school talent show.

This is a virtue I have within. From taking the initiative to send an email to join MKMMA to not sleeping in this morning but instead to get up and get going on my list of services —

I continue to see and to appreciate this virtue all around me to therefore strengthen the virtue of Initiative in myself……. To act on my own, to make decisions



th (6)Definition of Initiative to me: To step forward ahead of the crowd. To listen to self and act. To lead.

And what is to follow Initiative……….. discipline, enthusiasm, persistence, decisiveness, courage and eventually a stronger more powerful awareness of ‘Within’

Week Fourteen- I Resolve to Succeed

    NewYearsEve1        I Resolve to Succeed! 

I stopped setting up New Years Resolutions long ago. I now know that this was my way to keep myself from yet another act of failure.

We have all at one time or another, for some of us more than average; set up some those big new year goals. We were going to lose weight, spend more time with family, get a new job, a new house, more money, be nice or have nicer.  Then down the road we fail. We hit the pavement like gang busters on January 1st with dreams of what we want in our heads. Then after a few days or a few weeks the dream has faded and we have fallen off the wagon. We get upset and angry and depressed with our selves. Thus feeding the failure. We tell ourselves this year was going to be different.

It is different!

These 86,400 seconds today are completely unlike the 86,400 seconds I used yesterday or those of which I will have tomorrow. Have I wasted some of them….no.  Did I use some of those seconds not to the highest degree that they should have, yes!

I can not change yesterday. I can and do learn from it and apply that knowledge to today’s seconds so that perhaps tomorrows seconds will be more in line with ultimate usage.

So…………  I Resolve to Succeed!

I Resolve to not beat myself up for the seconds of which I incorrectly used.

I Resolve to praise myself for the seconds of which I used correctly.

For the seconds I used to hug my family, Success!

For the seconds I used to give the world a smile, Success!

For the seconds I used to dream a dream and perform even one task toward its completion, Success!

For the seconds I held fast to a good habit and applied it correctly, Success!

I Resolve to Succeed!


Week Thirteen- Gratitudes

Apologies for making everyone in my group wait for my post.


Week Thirteen….

Whew what a week.

Sunday began with celebrating my daughter’s Tenth birthday. Hard to believe; the time has flown so quickly. She is above all my biggest gratitude in life. She is my daughter and my best friend. She tries my patience at times but is my angel baby and keeps my going. I am so blessed by my wonderful children.

Sunday evening, we attended a fun filled evening at the equestrian center she attends for a Christmas party. Surrounded by friends she knew and new friends…everyone sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to her. She was very surprised and couldn’t have smiled any bigger.

Tuesday was very quiet celebration of my birthday. Tuesday afternoon, I joined a multitude of others for some last minute holiday shopping on Christmas Eve. I was I have been having some difficulties of late with hip and leg pain. After a couple of hours shopping Tuesday I found myself beyond my threshold. I still wanted to buy my daughter a new bike. A very nice employee had helped me earlier but when I had made my decision there was no one around. When I slowly made my way to the checkout lane disappointed to not have the bike, I asked the cashier about assistance or to getting a bike from the front of the store. She called her manager who came to help me. The manager seeing my discomfort and pain, told me to wait there she would be back in a few minutes. She went to the bike department and brought up the bike, took me to a register near-by. She then, with out my request, brought the bike to my vehicle and loaded it for me. My heart was so filled with gratitude. I Thanked her several times. Other than exhaustion, it was a very successful day.

Christmas morning I was woken in the morning with my daughter’s excitement. “Mommy, Mommy, did you see?  Mommy, I got a bike for Christmas! There is not tag on it but there is a bow and ribbon. I know it’s for me. Mommy! You have to come see!”  I stood and said, It’s going to be a wonderful Christmas after all. The pain seemed fainter and my heart larger.

Today, Sunday, I am finally feeling better. That plateful of cookies in the picture……I got to eat one!  Gratitude to the staff at my local ER last night. Thursday morning I began feeling achy all over and noticed the beginnings of what I thought was a cold. I slept all Friday and Saturday. Saturday I was awoken from one of my naps feeling like I was choking. My glands and throat were swollen even under my chin. I got someone to watch my daughter and I headed to the emergency room. They took care of my right away. They were so caring.  I have never been so grateful to get a shot (Wow, did it hurt :-)). They gave me a shot of steroids to start taking down the swelling.

So….. to the cookies. I haven’t eaten solid food since Thursday morning. Today with the a swish of lidocaine to numb my throat I was so happy to eat a holiday cookie.

Gratitude to all the little things along with the big.

** My pile of cards grows  🙂

Happy Holidays and Wishing Everyone Many Many Blessings in The New Year!

Week Twelve- Supply and Demand

I can not believe we have been on this MKMMA adventure for three months. The time has moved along so quickly; and seemingly accelerated quicker by the holiday season. I admit that I sat down several times to write this week. However great the demand was for words the supply was nil. I went to bed frustrated and feeling as though I had failed. Completely the opposite of that which I have been reading from Og Mandino’s Scroll III; “Never will I allow any day to end with a failure.”

We always hear the phrase…”Go sleep on it”.  Well, upon the closing of my frustrated eyes to sleep, my mind and heart worked on the issue.  I woke up this morning with the frustrations and anxiety gone.

“You must first have the knowledge of your power”

You must have “the courage to dare”

You must have “the faith to do”

-Haanel’s  Master Key -Part Twelve

The new subby is growing and slowly winning the battle even while I sleep. It acknowledged the power of the faith that I have and gave me courage.

With so much demand on me this week it is encouraging to know that I can and will succeed. I just need to trust in myself and that which I am learning. I continue to supply my ‘Within’ with little seeds to grow continued healthy habits.

The holiday season is upon us all. With it brings celebrations of the birth of Jesus but I celebrate other births at this time of year.

Tomorrow we celebrate the birthday of my youngest daughter, Alaena. She will be Ten.2013-09-28 13.47.06

Monday is my younger sisters birthday.

Tuesday I am demanded to celebrate my own birthday.


With all the fuss going on it is easy to forget the true reasons for this season.  I share with you our Christmas trees. This is my tree out on the lanai. It is here to celebrate my family, my hopes and dreams; everything that I am grateful for.

2013-12-21 11.25.24

Each of my children are in the red circles; my legacy. The blue rectangle represent creative expression; a staircase of a home that I seek, a house on the beach and my new car all which a chosen individually to my personality and filled with that from my heart and soul. The little green tree ornament, triangle,  holds red circles for my grandchildren.

2013-12-13 12.29.54< The fresh cut tree in the living room. New ornaments for the new life we begin.

2013-12-13 12.30.29< Tree in my office area. It has birds, pinecones and even pears on it. Bringing the outside in. And I suppose in the case of MKMMA ….”birds of a feather flock together”….

So in the season of Giving…may we all Receive many many Blessings! And as we are pulled by all the Demands of the time…may all find in our own Powers of Within and the Universe to be Supplied with what is in each of our Hearts!

Happy Holidays!

2013-11-30 18.45.31



Week Eleven- Inductive versus Deductive

th (4)We are at the end of week Eleven of our Masterkey Master Mind Alliance adventure. At first I looked at this as a class. Then I viewed it in context with a post-graduate course. I have taken many classes; from basket weaving 101 to phych 101 to advanced applied geomorphology. This is an adventure to different levels and dimensions I never dreamed possible.

Haanel 11-1 states: Inductive reasoning is the process of the objective mind by which we compare a number of separate instances with one another until we see the common factor that gives rise to them all.
Haanel 11-2 states: Induction proceeds by comparison of facts; it is this method of studying nature which has resulted in the discovery of a reign of law which has marked an epoch in human progress.

As a student of the sciences I have dealt with a lot of deductive logic. We state a hypothesis and then set out to prove it right or wrong. At times trying new methods over and over changing a variable along the way. Now I get to learn to look at it all from a different perspective.

Deductive reasoning is used when we can not directly observe a cause but only the effect.

Inductive reasoning is used when we know and see the effect and need a cause.  Through MKMMA we recognize and embrace the links between cause and effect. If we think thFQJP3MCEpositively we get a more positive outcome. “Give more Get more”.  A domino effect begins.

I have gone from writing chores on a card to scripting services I perform.

I have gone from figeting for a five second sit to taking a five second total body reboost any where needed by simply placing my mind in correct tune.

I see where this adventure has come thus far and to think we still have fourteen weeks left.

Inductive reasoning allows us to know the effect we choose and then choose the cause that will thereby make it so!

thBHAP1RLO [Butterfly species-Alaena Nyasa]

Week Ten- chomping positives

Scroll Three of Mandino tells us to Persist until Success in achieved. Haanel 10.17 says, “It has been explained that the law of causation depends upon polarity, a circuit must be formed; this circuit cannot be formed unless we operate in harmony with the law. ” Whatever it is we desire it will not be achieved without being in harmony with the polarity of the object and keep working at it until we achieve it.

My daughter and I headed to Texas for the weekend. In the past we have always driven but fourteen hours is a lot. This time we were going to fly. two and half hours sounded great. She was four the last time she was on a plane. At first she was excited.

This morning as we were on our way to the airport today my daughter and I are talking about our trip we are about to take. She was seriously nervous about flying on a plane. She has been doing many of the exercises with me. My own little MMA with her and I.

We talked about The 7 Laws of the Mind and the Law of Substitution. We went over our “Do it Now” and then added “I am whole, Perfect, Strong, Powerful, Loving, Harmonious and Happy.

After a few minutes I looked up and said,” it helps if the other person is listeninth (8)g”.

She looked up and said, “I was listening. Mommy you know that game.

” What game?, I asked.

“The game where the little mouth eats all the balls.”

I thought for a moment and asked her if she meant Pac Man.

She smiled. “Yeah, peptides and choices are like that game. We want to eat all the positive happy balls not the bad negative balls.” We decided we are going to be like Ms. Pac Man and find and eat all the positives we can and win the game.  Love it!!

Later we were on the plane and she is beginning to panic. I told her to close her eyes and picture herself sitting beside the pool, the waterfall is on. Listen to the water….  She opened her eyes and said she felt better. When we were ready to take-off she closed her eyes and pictured herself sitting under her favorite tree.

Priceless Successful trip thus far!!!

Now if I can keep my positive mental diet going while shivering in 40 degree temps while it is 80 back in Florida………………

Week Nine – Seasons of magic

This week my household as households across the nation had been readying for a day of Thanks. A time to gather together with family and friends and be thankful for everything we have received for the previous three hundred and sixty-four.

I personally took a few seconds out of my allotted 80,400 seconds of each day in November to find at least one thing I was Thankful for.  One day did not seem enough in my idea of proper balance.

At this holiday time we begin with Halloween and the magic of illusion and move into a time of Thanks-Gratefulness and now many of us now have switched gears for the Magic of Christmas.

Through Masterkeys I have taken, thus far, nine weeks of finding and developing a magic within myself. We have worked on developing small seemingly trivial tasks to developing positive habits that would overtake habits of mediocrity, selfishness, or negative comforts.  I grasp my own dreams and wishes, place upon them believe and imagery therefore develop a physical truth and attainment.


“I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy.” Haanel 9-24

Week Eight- It’s the Law

I have now arrived at the end of Week Eight of MKMMA. To say that it has been a bumpy week plus is a gross understatement! Monday was a full system failure; hardwire and software issues gone spastic! I was anxious and irritated. I could hardly stand to be in the same room with myself, to the point of arguing with myself. I have been tired and sluggish. I felt like I was going crazy, or driving myself there. At one point I looked at the kitchen faucet and immediately took out the cleaner and scrubby and went to town. OCD overload! Tuesday was a little better, felt like I was getting a handle on things again. Wednesday I noticed a few little itchy dots on one arm. Between Wednesday and Thursday my arms, neck and chest are covered with a bumpy itchy rash. Today I am still broke out but most of itching and redness is gone. I have a clean house!  Was the rash environmental, internal, psychological……not 100% sure.

This week I have also been working on my mental diet.  I figured that since I don’t sit glued to the TV or even regularly watch it, no problem for me. I go onto the computer, get on and get things done. I don’t sit and mindlessly wander.  No news! No societal BS! I admit that my sense of going stir-crazy and lack of human interaction and the itching and arguing with myself compelled me to turn on the TV a couple of time. Although not sure if I happened upon these shows which then my mind connected with this adventure or if I my mind was looking for a connection and sought it out.  One evening I turned on the TV just in time to see the last half of The Matrix. The next night I turned on the TV and my Netflix (thereby keeping away the outside BS). And a movie I had never seen caught my eye. As I sat there watching it I got literal goose bumps. The movie was about a family who are the last descendants of a woman tried in Salem. She was not a witch but they practiced an art of spirituality and nature. Some call magic. They reminded me of being in sync with nature. In the movie, The Matrix he wins by believing in his destiny and in himself, by seeing the matrix as equal to himself. The daughter in “The Last Leaders” she finds her true self by accepting who she truly is and becoming one with nature. At one point her mother tells her that she is not the healer but from within her, the healing comes from the love that emanates from her heart, from within her. Being one with The Universal. This morning I woke up and my mind is going crazy. I am thinking about MKMMA, childhood memories, wants and desires, nature, science; true headache material.

To Try and bring some of it together:

I have been fighting Universal Law!

Haanel writes “….the result of your thought is governed by an immutable law“; unchangeable, carved in stone for eternity, always has been and always will be, law.

If it were not for law, the Universe would be a Chaos instead of a Cosmos“- Haanelhs-2004-21-a-web

It is the Law which makes the Universe one grand paean of Harmony.”- Haanel

Always will I dig for reasons to applaud…when I am moved to praise I will shout from the roofs” – Mandino

“An Eclectic Mix of Galaxies”-NASA.gov

We also read from Haanel; “There is therefore but one law, one principle, one cause, one Source of Power, and good and evil are simply words which have been coined to indicate the result of our action, or our compliance or non-compliance with this law.”

Non-compliance with the law is evil, bad, and subject to chaos. However, compliance is subject to good, a cosmos of harmony.

This week during our sit Haanel asked us to again create a mental image. However, we were to follow that image “back to its origination”. Haanel gave us an example of a Battleship. A very large, very heavy vessel that without Laws would not exist. Laws of nature and Laws of gravity, Laws of supply and demand, Democratic and social laws; so many come into play when building something of this grandeur.  It is a symbol of Defense, of Diplomacy, of Sacrifices, of Help and Gratitude, of Hope, of Truth, of Beauty, of Power, of Science, of Nature, of Universal Law…..

This week I broke apart and followed many things “back to its origination”.  Everything we have! Everything we are! Everything we desire! All follow the same Laws that make a Battleship.

On my office floor were a bunch of family photos. I have been little by little going through them. Sorting them and choosing photos to make copies of. The object was to make a scrapbook for each of my children to give to them for Christmas. As I sat there this week I began to see myself and my origination. Photos of my youngest daughter who is still a child. Then a book filled with pictures of my older children who are now adults when they were growing up. My sons baby items. Photos of myself graduating from the University and graduating High School. My grade school pictures and photos of myself and my parents when I was a baby. I sat and looked at a picture of my grandfather at six months old sitting on my great grandmothers lap. I was always told I look just like her. I sat there and traced every feature with my eye. My origination. How did I get to where I am today? The roads I traveled the decisions I have made.

Everything is Good and Evil. Haanel even said, ” Here then, is the secret of the origin of both good and evil, this is all the good and evil there ever was or ever will be.thZVY1O17D

The Earth is dynamic. It is ever changing but never changes. Everything is made up from the same four basic elements; Earth, Air, Nature and Fire; Energy and Vibrations; carbon, oxygen……..just varying combinations. We have everything here we will ever get. th5T4XIUA5

Not Good or Evil.  >>  A choice.  The same piece of paper, the same pencil….the same elements to choose from……will it build a Battleship or a Cruise Ship; will it build a home or a prison; will it build a future of love and prosperity or will it build a world of hunger and sadness.  There is good and evil in everything and everyone, it just depends on perspective and direction.

           Perspective: Live by Love!      Direction: Live by the Compass!


We are on a Seven Day Mental Diet. Clearing our minds and hearts of negative thoughts and gaining the ability to defend against taking negative in and allowing them to grow within us. In essence, helping us to use that simple piece of paper and pencil and build.  The world today is filled with too much hunger and sadness, loss of hope, taking and not giving, lack of gratitude and thanks, of darkness instead of beauty, of bureaucracy instead of diplomacy.

My mind has been clearing more every day. The idea of the cement Buddha and the idea of the pieces and layers of cement coming off it has a new light now.  At first I looked at this as exactly as it was stated layers and pieces falling off the outside.  It is more like an onion.  You reach into your onion bin and find one that is old and sofl, you see that little bit of green on the top and you know that if you don’t use it right away it will sprout. The outer layer has begun to dry up and perhaps is a bit brown or turning bad or mold on it. So you cut off the top. You begin to peal those outer layers off and find that what is underneath is still white and crisp. If you cut right in you will see the heart of a new green plant in the center, under all those layers; waiting to burst out and begin new again. If you had planted that dried up old onion a new plant may have grown.

The pieces of cement are layered on our hearts. Inside is a green and clean heart, ready to sprout with a new plant. We are cultivating the new soil and taking off the dried up moldy layers so the new plant can sprout and flourish.

You can not fight Universal Law!

Give Love Get Love!  Give a Little Get a Little! Give Much Get much! Give all you can Get all you can!


Week seven- Finding my way


I find myself at the end of week seven in MKMMA. It’s funny last week we were instructed to live by the compass instead of by the clock. This notion reminds me of something I learned some time ago about the myth of ‘ Time Management ‘.  Time can never be managed we can only learn to manage ourselves. Thus managing what direction we head, what path we take, what decisions we make and therefore what or where our outcome is.

Ten years ago I gave the one I loved a beautiful compass for Christmas. We were both studying geology. I had walked into a little shop one day and there it was. On it I had these words engraved, “May you never lose your way…”.  I now hold that compass in my possession. He lost his way for a while, left it and forgot about it. At least I had thought so. Recently he mentioned wishing he hadn’t lost that compass.

For week seven, Haanel instructs us to sit and visualize a friend, to see him exactly as we had last seen them, see every detail as though we were right there and have a conversation with him. At first when I sat I got disgruntled and antsy because it wasn’t working. I tried to purposely visualize people who meant something to me. But little by little I remembered an afternoon he and I had together in Cape Canaveral. We had finished a survey at NASA and were out to lunch. We talked about the survey and the data we had collected. Behind us the cruise ships began to leave the docks. We sat there watching them and all the travelers waving. Our conversation turned to the future. What things would be like after our work was done and he completed his degree. Where we wanted to travel together. We talked of a Mediterranean cruise, traveling to Scotland, Ireland and Italy. I took a picture of him eating lunch midway of putting food in his mouth. While I sit I do not even need to look at the picture and I can see every detail in my mind.

I  have been feeling unusually lost, more so than usual, as we have been getting deeper into this course. The blueprint that I had been working with is strong and seemed to be lashing out. However, at times my dreams again are clearer and more vivid, like they were when I was younger.  The old BP says to quit and tries to bring up the negative and distract me. I know I had gotten comfortable in the known even though I did not like it; complacent with mediocre though it was not what I could have.thMN1S11I3

My true compass will guide me.  A map tells me where I am standing spatially, a clock tells me where I am temporally.  But the compass tells me where I am going; no matter the obstacles, regardless of time or space.


I heard Lady Antebellum sing their new song last week.  It made my heart stop.

This is a wonderful Youtube of their song, ‘Compass’, that I really like.


Week Six – Physics of MKMMA


Simple Physics from High School and College!

Speed = the rate an object moves

Velocity = speed an object moves in given direction

Acceleration = change in velocity of an object

 Newton’s Laws:

1st- A body in motion stays in motion &  a body at rest stays at rest Unless acted on by some external force.

2nd- The rate of change of momentum on a body is directly proportional to external force and takes place in the direction of the force.

3rd- The body has an equal and opposite reaction to the force of the external acting upon it.

            Woaa!     The New Science!             Physics MKMMA Style !!!

Welcome Fellow Students!

Speed = Attainment and Success of My DMP + Power of My WITHIN

Velocity = Liberty and Legacy along with Spiritual and Physical Health and Recognition for Creative Expression

Acceleration = The words within Mandino, Haanel, Emerson and Me.

Force and friction= My old Blueprint, the cement builders, news & media as compared to my New Blueprint

How I Roll with MKMMA

 I am so enjoying the Physics of MKMMA!!!!